EDI projects require a wide variety of specialized knowledge. In our glossary, we provide answers to most of the terms you may encounter in your EDI project.
SPOOL - Spool conversion with i‑effect®
World-leading solution for spool conversion on IBM i.
i‑effect® converts all IBM data streams (SCS, AFPDS, IPDS). Using i‑effect®’s Spool Converter, you can target the delivery of your spooled files for further processing of your business data: i‑effect® Spool Converter supports all common Office formats such as PDF, XLS, CSV, HTML, HTXT, TIFF, GIF, RTF, TXT, and SAV. i‑effect® converts into real, editable PDF (not a PDF image) and offers a wide range of formatting functions, for example embedding of fonts, barcodes, graphics, as well as multifaceted design options for color, text, and page rotation.
Because it fulfils the ISO standard 19005-1, i‑effect® specifies the highest level of conformity, namely level A (PDF/A-1a). For the first time, users can convert print data into the space-saving PDF/A format and send them or archive securely.
Spool archiving and distribution
Use spool data conversion for internal company processes and with cross-platform data exchange to save money: Distribute your spooled files or converted spooled files by combining i‑effect® *SPOOL with the corresponding i‑effect® communications modules (*FAX, *EMAIL, *FTP, *OFTP, *TELEBOX, *AS2. By compressing spooled files with the *ZIP module, you can store IBM i files in ZIP archives and send them to external computers for further processing. All i‑effect® processes can be automated with the supplemental module *SERVER or controlled by using the menu.
Archiving and Document Management
i‑effect® makes it possible to create, using data on the IBM i, the legally compliant PDF/A (1a) and to archive them, long term, in read-only auditable format. In this way, data conversion into PDF/A can now be automated. The documents can be catalogued for full-text searchers, digitally signed with the i‑effect® module *SIGG, and then archived.
- Output in auditable PDF/A format (PDF/A-1a)
- Control of PDF-Direct capable printers
- Save and restore in data stream files
- Output in the IFS and DB2 file systems
- DBCS conversion options
- Preprocessing of archive systems
- Converts all barcodes and graphics
Menu-Guided Spool Administration
- Duplicating, deleting, sorting, selecting spooled file entries
- Easy search and query options
- Embed external logos and graphics
- Spool splitting
- Exclude spool sections from conversion down to the exact page
- Page setup, (auto-)rotation, page adaptations, embedded fonts, editing fonts, PDF password, etc.
- PDF bookmarks and display options
- Indexing
- Writes index extracted from spooled files into database
- Excel columns and row options
- User definable processing steps
- Bookmarks with up to 50 levels of submenus
- Perfectly embeds JPEG and GIF
Extended Splitting
- Converting choosen pages of a spooled file to a new spool for printing and outputting other pages of the same source file to a PC format
- Tranferrring attributes of a source spool to a new spool
- Merging external an own PDF files