Release Notes

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Version: 3.1.7    (2024-10-21)
Ready for IBM i 7.3
"forcenamespace" can be used again
New Service-API function: XInvoice visualisation
Removal of all database tables for ZUGFeRD 1.0
New parameter RESTART(*YES|*NO) for ENDEFFSBS
IEF9890 File not registered
CPF3C53 Job not found, the call to endSession() was terminated incorrectly.
Error with alternative FTPS fixed
Validation program not initiated for command call with qualified library name
Errors occurred when editing *MONITOR
Version: 3.1.5    (2024-08-16)
Bugfix: Use of thousands separator
Length of database field HTGBURID increased to 100
SQL0518 if a server task should move the input file with *MOVE following an SNDFTP session.
Bugfix: Error when writing the XInvoice check report
Adjustment of the value for ZF2INVHT.HTSPPID
Version: 3.1.4    (2024-07-12)
The field User-ID under Authentications has been increased to 100 characters
Host keys with the ECDSA and EDDSA algorithms are rejected
Error in SNDFILE "Result of the statement contains more than one line"
Message is closed too early by the mapper
HTTP server searches for send profile in partner profile
Server task *SCHEDULE is not executed
Version: 3.1.3    (2024-06-14)
Alternative FTPS protocol not used although Profile was set to '*YES'
Update the JSCH library for the SFTP client
Update the Mina SSHD library for the SFTP server
SFTP server - quota warning at 75%
FTP communication is displayed in WebControl
[FTP] does not delete the APP and DB libraries during an IASP installation
Call of ends with error
Bugfix: Correct indexes are found for sending ZUGFeRD PDFs with SNDFILE
Messages in the logbook despite deactivation of the detailed recording of activities
Creation of the class path fails during installation in IASP
Special characters in the file or path name (e.g. @) were not transferred correctly to a server task
Datamatrix barcodes missing in created PDF file
%STATUS% as special value for parameter MSGTEXT in SNDEMAIL does not work with workflow type *MSGID, *REGEX, *SQL
Version: 3.1.2    (2024-04-05)
Performance optimization in Webcontrol displays for input and output. Improved full text search
Duplicate records in the display of the communication input and communication output
New API call for writing logbook entries
Update of Apache Tomcat to 9.0.85
XRechnung: increase field HTZGPCID to 35 characters
API calls to i‑effect®service are always redirected to HTTPS
Files received via RCVFTP are lost
Sent files do not appear in the communication output
Correction of the positioning "Start of list at" in the "Work with partner master" display
Module recognition of TRADACOMS in the file parser does not work
No abort message for conversion without input data
XInvoice version 3.0.1 available
Preferred communication profile per sender
Improved monitor display performance
If many *SCHEDULE tasks are defined with 1min, jobs are not started
RetrieveFileTimeStamps() beim RCVFTP, Datei wird trotzdem auf dem Server gelöscht.a
Search field "Start of list at" in the "Work with profiles" display without function.
Trigger operation not successful when trying to move i‑effect® to IASP with
Message "Cursor FETCHS8 already open" when using PRCFWD
List too large for user address area (user space) IEFFJOBLOG
License error message for multiple calls of RCVFTP
%SQLLOOKUP:% incorrect for SQL statements > 80 bytes
Bug fixed where Java 32 bit and 64 bit were required
Import of certificate chains possible
Cryptic error messages appear in the logbook if two RCVFTP calls are made in succession
Version: 3.1.1    (2023-11-17)
New *AS4 module ( BDEW profile for the energy industry )
Performance improvement when ending sessions
Incorrect information in the partner overview
Conversion to HTTPS
New API call for creating a new session
Hiding the PHP version when calling curl -skiL.
With --mode repairdb exit points and JOBD/JOBQ/SBSD are not corrected
IEF9994, AddArcIndex() error, VORGANGID=0, AddRegisteredFileArchiveIndex()
SQL0811 in the logbook at STRSRVTSK Jobs
*JRNRCV Objects do not have to be saved as well
Library descriptions missing
Special value *JOB.PROCESSID for mappings x to DB returns -1
Incorrect rights to the .ssh directory after installation.
Faulty php.conf php.ini after upgrade from 2.x/3.x
Abort installation with /usr/bin/printenv: illegal option -- s
Aborting an upgrade installation when migrating SL_XLSCEL if feature 5051 is not installed
Port number is missing when establishing an alternative FTPS connection
Wrong JOBQ entries in subsystems after renaming the SYSBAS library
SNDEMAIL fails with "duplicate key value"
[EMAIL] --mode repairdb korrigiert keine Bibliotheksbeschreibungen
Cancellation of the installation when called up again after canceling
[BASE] --recreateexitpoints /tmp/2mebeff/scripts/ beendet mit Status 12
Version: 3.0.10    (2023-07-24)
New version XInvoice 2.3.1
Performance in the DB module improved
Complete replacement of the database connections
Function key F22 in the program "Work with server entries" does not work
Adaptation of the fileparser definitions
Incomplete error message
Adopting changed JOBQ configuration during update/upgrade
IEF9994 RetrieveFileTimeStamps() error: in MRGPDF
%SQL_LOOKUP:% in server with % variables
Adjustment of the XInvoice mapping for zero values
Error in negative MDN fixed
Incorrect display of umlauts with JOB CCSID 500
Version: 3.0.9    (2023-05-12)
Improved error message in case of duplicate and missing UNB
Updated AIX tools repository
Data transfer for module *SPOOLMAPS (5012) and *DB2MAPS (5051) incomplete
Redesign of the job constants
Missing logbook details after transfer from 2.7
Version: 3.0.8    (2023-04-24)
Recovery fails
Consideration of alternative senders/recipients in PRCFWD
Installation aborts when QCCSID=65535
*SERVICE subsystem locks generated XInvoice
Functionalities acted on the wrong KeyStore
KeyStore not transferred correctly
Upgrade installation fails
Version: 3.0.7    (2023-03-15)
Support for IBM i OS 7.5
Failures after deleting a certificate
No abort if the WebControl subsystem cannot be started.
Bugfix at key import with own password
SNDEMAIL via server always interprets MSGTEXT as path
Version: 3.0.6    (2023-02-07)
*FTP module: slow processing
*FTP module RCVFTP with partner: remove temporary working directories
Installation does not abort despite error
Error "SSL protocol must be set" if no profile specified
Timeout value is taken incorrect
Version: 3.0.4    (2022-12-16)
CPF37C2: No authorization to use DFRID.
Performance improvement at subsystem startup
Installation aborts. db2util not found
Bind i‑effect® session to SSH session instead of SFTP system in SFTP server
Password required for user IEFFECT
Version: 3.0.3    (2022-11-18)
Check system requirements for console installation
Abbruch bei Installation via Script
Fixed system requirements for DB2
IEF9997 - Can not retrieve unique sequence, SQLCOD=-518
Floating point numbers are not written
Version: 3.0.2    (2022-11-11)
Added OAUTH2 functionality for Outlook 365
New module *JSON is available for the mapper
CPA7025 during installation
CPF3840 when upgrading an IASP installation
i‑effect® WebControl link does not adjust during update/upgrade
CPF3204 during update or upgrade
Additional entry lost due to unreadable alias in the keystore
Webcontrol not accessible after upgrade to 3.0.x
Version: 3.0.1    (2022-10-12)
Installation aborts when started manually with relative pathname.
Secondary language 2929 of i‑effect® is lost when upgrading from 2.7 to 3.0
Missing data transfer of the mapper configuration during UPGRADE installation
Keystore name and password missing after upgrade from 2.7
Version: 3.0.0    (2022-09-21)
Standard job queue entry in EFFSERVER with MAXACT(1)
IEF9892 at *NEW installation
Outdated report templates removed
Login attempts for SFTP server reduced
Extension of the database field TITAXFTC from the ZUGFeRD table ZF2INVTI
New version XInvoice and ZUGFeRD 2.2.0
Default permissions for FTP users
HTGBYREF for route ID adjusted and decimal places of ACTACBA shortened
Blocking the creation of links and most attribute changes to files
SSL version configurable / TLS 1.3 support
Library SFTP server updated
Disable client renegotiation for servers using TLS
Bruteforce protection SFTP and FTP Server
Field description of HTSTATE from ZF2INVHT was adjusted
Configure SFTP Hostkeys
Warning message when 75% quota is reached
Faulty MDN processing
Memory leak during receiving fixed
Server processing, resolution EDI server variables incorrect.
Users with quota > 2 GB can no longer be used
*NEW installation aborts on creation of procedure ieffect_registerFileBase
FTP client timeouts defined
Error "Wrong secondary language option NONE in parameter --secondary_language" on upgrade 2.8->3.0
Anonymous could not be limited to *NOMAX
Version: 2.9.17    (2022-06-20)
New email templates for workflow notification
Disable file indexing for large files
Upgrade fails with "CPF2167: Cannot delete library IEFF28024 in library list."
Fixed possible error when navigating back from the system check
Missing index values in the filter
Writing line breaks in XML
Fixed mapper error message
Installation aborts with "mktemp: command not found"
Version: 2.9.16    (2022-04-14)
Acceptance of SSL certificates during installation
Adopt customer-specific SSL configuration during update
Receiving asynchronous MDN without associated send session receives *DIAG status.
Fix: SQL for partner change
Special variable JOB.PROCESSID returns wrong ID
Fix: File rename after SFTP transfer
Fix: Mapper task replaceAll
All S-END mappings from the service directory no longer lead to termination
Version: 2.9.15    (2022-03-07)
Update of the XInvoice Validator
Login to FTP server improved
Duplicate entries in the document input/output
WebControl performance improvement
Update english translation
Version: 2.9.14    (2022-01-31)
Error notification via Sever *ERROR workflow is improved.
Upgrade from 2.7 to 2.9 fails during backup
Configuration data is not taken over when upgrading from 2.8
*MONITOR data selection setting *OMIT does not work
STROFTP2 returns OK although session is set to ERROR when testing connection without file
Version: 2.9.13    (2021-12-08)
Improvement in restoring i‑effect®
Aborting the upgrade installation with two languages
Version: 2.9.12    (2021-12-02)
QSH Prompt when using i‑effect® commands in an interactive session.
Refactoring SQL functions and SQL procedures to improve performance
Length for specification of parameter DBUSER/password in command RUNREPORT extended
Support more CCSIDs like 5348 in FileParser
Version: 2.9.11    (2021-11-12)
New Service API function for setting the archive status
Target file wrong permission
SNDFILE FTP error handling fixed, EDI file handling improved.
Task 'jdbcSqlUpdate' aborts with error message "SQL Server supports the holdability property only at connection level. Use the connection.setHoldability() method."
Fix english error message EDI0104
WebControl does not work after upgrade
Version: 2.9.10    (2021-10-05)
Improved performance of document input and output view
SNDFILE RECIPIENT(*FRMFILE) usable for all document types that are indexed
Start previous web control automatically after rollback of installation
ZUGFeRD and XRechnung files in the same process
FileParser performance improved in *SERVER
SNDFILE FTP destination path can now be defined in the partner master data
Set message ID for SYSOPR messages
SQL optimization when inserting records into VORADDINDEX
Changes to PUB files are not recognised
Many messages in QSYSOPR MSGQ "Grace period expired. The requesting user was not added."
Improve table loading for Mapper *AUTO
New communication possibilities integrated for PRCFWD.
SNDFILE new communication capabilities integrated.
SITZUNG or AKTION of the type *FILE not found in IEFFECT
UNB counter reset after restart
EFFSERVER job aborts with CEE0813 error message: "Not enough memory available to fulfill request".
PRCFWD Destination *IFS path is not used. File ends up in '/'
Version: 2.9.6    (2021-08-03)
Processing for receiving and assigning asynchronous MDNs changed
PRCFWD Performance Optimization
Wrong keys in VORADDINDEX
EFFSERVER aborts with CEE0813 in function getSysEnvVariableValue
Error when the quotient is a periodic number
PRCFWD does not find rules
Bugfix of the mappertask removeAll
Performance with multiple calls to CVTSPL...
Directories /home/qsecofr/error|archiv|output in wrong directory
Error with blocked files when several Monitors monitor the same folder
Error while copying the files
FileParser call in IFS Monitor occurs after report of monitored file and can lead to error if file was already removed by processing.
Version: 2.9.5    (2021-07-02)
Upgrade installation aborts with: Duplicate key value
Wrong owner of /home after installing an update
Mapper does not recognise file change
[BASE] HEAP Space defaults in parameter -Xmx were not taken into account
Update fails if an old Webcontrol update folder exists
Error when displaying partner logbook in WebControl
List of forwarding destinations contains too many spaces
SQL error in task "getProcessId" because table VORADDINF is searched in wrong library.
Installation aborts if SystemReplylist entry 4711 exists
Version: 2.9.4    (2021-06-23)
Server response always as INFO in the logbook
New task: addFileIndex
Length change of database field for free text qualifier
Backup hangs when upgrading from 2.7 to 2.9
Exit points still present after uninstalling i‑effect®
*REPORT subsystem does not start
Version: 2.9.3    (2021-06-09)
Use multiple SFTP hostkeys
Error 'setccsid: command not found' when using
STRJRNPF reports 'File already recorded' when moving to IASP with Error 'setccsid: command not found' when using
When installing i‑effect® 2.9 under IBM i 7.2, the installation aborts *** Error in /tmp/2mebeff/scripts/
Missing JAR files on the classpath
Mapper moves input file before indexing
Version: 2.9.2    (2021-05-28)
JOBQ library and SBSD settings not changed when moving SYSBAS library
Wrong directory /home/i-effect/WEBCTRL/htdocs/data/command
Subsystems don't start in an IASP installation
NullPointerException fixed when indexing
[BASE] External program IEFSRV not found in IEFFECT29.
Erroneous environment variable IEFFECT_V2R9M0_IFSPATH and IEFFECT_V2R9M0_USER_HOME
[BASE] mkdir: kann Verzeichnis '/home/ieffect' nicht erstellen: Datei existiert
Version: 2.9.1    (2021-05-19)
New runtime priority for i‑effect® subsystemjobs
New table for index values from file
Renamed configuration file for internal logging
Indexing files via a monitor
i‑effect® web interface immediately available after installation
Log file for CPYIFS2SPL
New feature in WRKEFFLOG dialog: *HIDE / *DISPLAY *IDLE sessions.
New COMMAND: option in RPLSTRIFS command
Chrome reports for WebControl: "This is not a secure connection".
Faster lock query in installer
Several validator versions can now be used for the XInvoice
Message at system operator if subsystem startup fails
Update liquibase database manager to 4.3.4
Server marks idle session
Automatic creation of the output folder structure for ZUGFeRD mappings
Provide certificate for WebControl HTTPS in installation
Automatic search for index values in registered files
Configuration file 'indexconfiguration.xml' removed from module directories
Default CCSID for received files
Bugfix: Notification for expiring certificates in IFS Keystore
Abort e-mail receive if file attachment name is UTF-8 encoded
Server *SCHEDULE RNX0112 Date, time or timestamp value is invalid.
Bugfix: Renaming certificates in p7b format
Error message when extracting and *PUBLIC permission
SNDFILE Partner determination at ZugFerd corrected for GLN or INTERNAL
Server: improved file registration when using the *MOVE option
Error in tasks toPositive and toNegative with numbers around 0
Bugfix: Jobs not ending after XInvoice validation
SFTP Hostkey is no longer saved as PEM
Improved Performance when starting subsystems
Task 'getDecimal' returns 0 instead of running on error for when string argument is empty
Error when saving in QSYS.LIB if the IASP name and the corresponding DB2 catalog name are different
Version: 2.8.13    (2021-02-24)
i‑effect® manual improved to explain the use of server variables
When upgrading 2.7 to 2.8 not all data is transferred
STREFREORG - Violation of the referential integrity constraint
SQL error "Null values not allowed for column or variable PCDHDRPATH"
Version: 2.8.12    (2021-01-21)
Update of the ZUGFeRD and XInvoice database table
Update PHP 7.3.25
Added missing indexes
Menu 52, WRKASCPRF dialog, significant performance improvement.
Updating the ODBC driver to version
Errors in file registration when retrieving file information no longer cause processing to abort.
New standard font for ZUGFeRD templates
SFTP server writes information about cipher into log
STREFREORG Added the reorganization of log files of more modules
Mapping for incoming XInvoice available in UBL format
CPF2102 when using RTVSPLDTA
Improved transfer of KNOWNSFID and PPAUTH in spite of incorrect Key Contraints
Long running TCP/IP socket connections of the modules with "close-wait" status
Updated mapping for outgoing XInvoice in UBL format
Server now archives files
JDBC SQL tasks do not resolve variables
IFS CertificateManager no longer receives notifications when changes occur in the monitored directory
Delays in sessions with connection pooling enabled
File registration in IFS Keystore
Performance improvement when starting JAVA processes
*SERVER *SPOOL / data selection feature *COPY/*MOVE doesn't work.
Some script calls did not cause termination
CPYIFS2SPL failed with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.menten.ieffect.iSeries.CopyIFS2Spool"
/i-effect/V2R8M0/WEBCTRL: The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.
Files in /home/ieffect/internal with wrong permissions
Missing message ID IEF9600 added
[BASE] line 108: A file or directory of the pathname does not exist.
When using the CVTSPL command with the parameter setting FS(*DB2) an empty DB2 table is created, processing is aborted.
i‑effect® logbook dialog, menu item 81: Special handling for logbook entries with processing type *MONITOR and monitor type *GROUP
No rollback for successfully processed data sets
Files via server not visible in document inbox or outbox
Version: 2.8.10    (2020-11-16)
New field IFSDEFQTA in *BASE (MODCFG) for general IFS quota
SNDFILE does not find partners for XRECHNUNG with different database names
STREFREORG cannot reorganize IFS files without extensions and with spaces within the file name.
An unencrypted and unsigned message was not rejected although it was defined as required in the AS2 partner setting.
Quota incorrectly calculated when directories overlap
Version: 2.8.8    (2020-11-04)
STREFREORG cannot reorganize IFS files without extensions and with spaces within the file name.
New field IFSDEFQTA in *BASE (MODCFG) for general IFS quota
SNDFILE does not find partners for XRECHNUNG with different database names
Subsystems do not start after a *NEW installation
Can not delete partner
An unencrypted and unsigned message was not rejected although it was defined as required in the AS2 partner setting.
Quota incorrectly calculated when directories overlap
Version: 2.8.7    (2020-10-30)
Error in task getInteger with format X.000
Changed length check in RCVEMAIL for inline text because Html content might not be saved
Default paths are reset at *NEW and *UPGRADE installation
Specify private key for authentication as alias
Management of private keys in the directory-based keystore possible
Field size for alias in keystore equalized
Management of public keys in the directory-based keystore possible
OFTP2 supports protocol version 1.x again
STREFREORG LOG(*ALL) resets the logbook session number to 1.
STREFREORG terminates if the user does not have the permissions *ALLOBJ, *SECADM and *JOBCTL
Path for receive data was not loaded correctly if 'Test=*YES' was defined for partner entry
CVTXLDBF OUTPUTFMT(*GENERIC) Error message MCH3401 Resolution to object MEBSRV not possible.
Support of Public Keys
CPD0078: Value '*CURRENT ' as name for parameter INLASPGRP invalid when calling --mode switch
WRKPRTX12 error message when creating a partner entry.
Improved repair mode (repairdb) in
Logfile on ROLLBACK in the installer overwrites existing logfile
Installation aborts if database is renamed
Problems during *UPGRADE if primary language is not 2924 or 2929
Fixed error after task resetAllVariables
Errors in installation do not lead to rollback
Quota check revised
AS2 sending with asynch. MDN remains at status *WAIT although MDN was successfully received.
Fixed an error when reading a password
The CRTSQLIND(*YES) setting of the STREFREORG command does not work.
CVTSPLXL aborts with error message CPF2102 (Object type and subtype code '0000'X not valid.)
STREFFSBS *ALL aborts by the license check of unlicensed modules
*SPOOLMAPS ADDRPTXMLE aborts with error message RNX0115 (variable length variable length is out of range)
Tasks are not found by the mapper
Installer Rollback takes too long
IFS based keystore - error in handling mixed-case names for files and aliases.
Invalid link to WebControl session in %STATUS% Email
Version: 2.8.6    (2020-10-01)
Note IASP for V7R2M0 not supported
The command DSPPDF has been removed
qsh: command not found when calling
New REST-API function to start a server task
"bad SQL grammar" Exception in service function call getSessionsActivitiesMessage
Improved permission check for SFTP and FTP server
Corrected exitpoint entries
Environment variable IEFFECT_V2R8M0_LNGSCHEMA on upgrade
Error in validation program of *ZIP commands after SETASPGRP IASP
STREFREORG brings error message CPD018C Path name is invalid.
CVTXLDBF bug fix
User is asked several times if there is no internet connection
No automatic starting of subsystems during installation
SFTP server permissions in folder
STREFREORG *MAPPER and *ZUGFERD archive files are not reorganized.
MRGPDF bug fix
New WebControl link
Version: 2.8.5    (2020-09-04)
Backup of i‑effect® during update/upgrade
Installer shows system name
License error message now contains the module name
Message CPI2121 in the i‑effect® joblog.
New module *XRECHNUNG
Database log is written under /home/ieffect/internal
WebControl does not need ZendServer anymore
Database description for XRechnung
Added missing example source for using the SERVICEAPI *SRVPGM interface
Simplification of the ZUGFeRD keys
Connection attempts within OFTP2 reduced
With i‑effect® RPLSTRIFS command it is now possible to process larger files.
Implementation of *SFTP and *FTPS communication profiles in SNDFILE command
JVM Client is now controlled by the new environment variable IEFFECT_V2R8M0_JVMCLIENT
SFTP Client Key can now also be defined in the communication profile
New script to restore i‑effect® to the state before installation
In SNDEMAIL command finished .eml files can now be specified for send.
New characteristics in the partner master data
Default value for archiving in AS2 module configuration changed.
SNDAS2 command validation improvements
STREFREORG performance improvement for archiving IFS files
Automatic recognition of sender and recipient in SNDFILE for XRECHNUNG/ZUGFERD
Import license file within installer
Parameter i‑effect® application server (EFFSERVER) removed
Resource leak in SQL tasks fixed
Data migration error during *UPGRADE
Greatly reduced number of CPF2103 error messages in QSQSRVR joblog
Installation on systems with unsupported primary language Improvement
Fixed bug with CSV data types
Remove old environment variables on upgrade
EFF0100 on non licensed module
New default setting *YES for server data selection "Delete after processing"
Fixed a bug where text was replaced that is not a variable
Version: 2.8.3    (2020-07-23)
CPD0078 im Installer Log
Data migration error on *UPGRADE
New output formats for RUNREPORT
MRGFILEPDF now supports JSON files
Version: 2.8.2    (2020-07-08)
Added indication that locks are being checked
If the quota is exceeded, files may remain
Installer blocks installation if rollback was not successful
Re-enable download and offline options
Stop subsystems from installer
Allow connection ID in SQL tasks
Text for message GZI0632 in MESSAGE file not available
Mapper truncates following 0 for integers
Path for attachment/text in partner master data swapped after data import
Server variables can now be triggered nested.
Fixed a bug parsing the definition
Run again fails if command has more than 256 characters
Incorrect transfer of settings from the old version
Users cannot log in to WebControl
Default Maximum number of 10 jobs in *SERVER starts only 9 jobs
Error in automatic mapping recognition corrected
Transfer partner master fails if EDIPRT.CRYPADALG is not filled
Old tables not removed when upgrading from 2.7 -> 2.8
CPF6A98 in dialog programs when using the search list
SNDFILE *CMD contained an incorrect object description
RUNMAP *CMD contained an incorrect object description
Fixed a bug with resolving variables in SQL tasks
Data import error on null values in *EDIFACT partner master data
Version: 2.8.1    (2020-06-10)
Missing subsystem descriptions *SBSD for *AS2 and *OCSP after upgrade installation
Valid token of the Service REST API was not accepted
Version: 2.8.0    (2020-05-18)
Configuration files moved to home
*SERVER Module server job processing improvement
New tasks to calculate and verify check digits
New special values for tasks with timestamp
New parameter in AS2 partner settings "Subject for file name"
All i‑effect® log files are now in directory /home/ieffect/internal
Standartisation of i‑effect® input, output, archive and other paths. New parameter in STREFREORG command.
Order of SSL CipherSuites changed, CipherSuites based on elliptical curves are preferred
New task IndexOfCount()
Task getDecimal (formerly getDouble) now supports thousand separators
Service API Bugfix
i‑effect® JOBDs default changed
Partner data is stored temporarily
FTP user linked to master data
WebControl Link defaults to https://
A list can now be specified in task resetVar
i‑effect® version information including date/time
Special vallue *IEFFECT was removed from command STREFFSBS and ENDEFFSBS
The version information has been removed from the server status page (web server banner)
Remove value "Type of call" from parameter EFFSERVER in all commands.
IFS Quota - Define the maximum allowed storage space consumption in the defined partner directories
New AS2 partner settings define whether incoming messages must be encrypted and signed.
Temporary files are created under /home/ieffect or in the internal
Test mode for AS2 servers and in AS2 partner settings
Update of FTP- and SFTPServer
Reduced number of jobs/sessions with new *MONITOR type *GROUP (monitorgroup)
IEFFECT *USRPRF without password
Disable TLS renegotiation
Error when using the system CCSID
*FAX module and dependent objects was removed
Performance improvement in the installer
*OFTP module will be not supported any more.
New file /home/ieffect/
New encryption algorithm for i‑effect® passwords
Repeat transmission of a file/message with the same message ID
Omission of the *TELEBOX module settings
New task AddDebugMessage()
Administration and use of certificates and key pairs in IFS
Splitting internal log files every 100MB
Module 31 and 42 are not removed during an upgrade installation
Signature not visible if not selected
Updated tomcat from 9.0.0M2 to 9.0.33 due 'Ghostcat' vulnerability [CVE-2020-1938]
Missing quotation marks for value of content-type 'name' parameter
Error when using the system CCSID
Message "Directory not registered" after interrupted installation
STRGZIP command is repeated if JVM is not reachable
Database connection for tasks is tried 3 times
RCVEMAIL Error in decoding file names resulted in truncated names when saved in IFS
XSD file names may also contain spaces
New special variable SQLCODE
Session remains on *ACTIVE
Version: 2.7.64    (2020-01-31)
The password of the IEFFECT user is no longer automatically reset during an update / upgrade installation.
FTP and other native modules: Process logging improved
*BASE SNDFILE command, improved error handling
Display of the correct line of an error during validation
*SERVER module: new %UNB_TEST% server variable
WebControl 3.27.58
*SERVER module: Variable %STATUS% not resolved incorrectly when *EMAIL module default *PLAIN is used
Server Workflow with %STATUS% Variable: WebControl Link is not transferred.
Version: 2.7.63    (2019-11-07)
Many IEFFECT QPWFSERVSO Jobs in QSERVER Subsystem / Increased file I/O system utilization
RCVFTP termination status *OK although the files could not be deleted from the server
Installer: during update installation index_configuration.xml files will be overwritten.
ZUGFeRD 2.0 is now supported
The client processes (parses) server response too strict
User administration without restart
Password for OFTP2 keystore not set in module configuration
New server variable %servertaskid% and use of variables in data selection
New Mapper Task 'getBase64Encoded'
DB module automatically quotes all field names in INSERT statement
No condition for SG-END and S-END possible
Error with *DEFAULT in task "newST"
Error when using the system CCSID
Error if STANDARD is not used as ENVELOPE
The job descriptions EFFOFTP2CLT and EFFOFTP2SRV contain the wrong *JOBQ
WRKASCPRF Dialog F4 Prompt at "MDN server profile" does not work.
No logbook entries were created
Version: 2.7.62    (2019-08-16)
Gateway writes partner aliases to operation tracking
Hide TSL import error
New parameter DELETE in SNDEMAIL command to delete input file(s) after transmission
Environment variable IEFFECT_V2R7M0_WEBCONTROL_LINK is not created during *NEW installation.
Fixed a bug when validating self-signed certificates
Folder "unpack" for certificates cannot unpack folder
SFTP client timeout improved
Version: 2.7.61    (2019-07-12)
Release of i‑effect® 2.7.61 for a new installation of IBM 7.4
Improved check if a file is in use (*MONITOR)
Duplicate certificates in the notification email if the same keystore was used.
Error message regarding index_configuration.xml in the internal log
When the connection is established, the address of the remote system is displayed
Error unpacking DB2 files when ZIP was created on system with different CCSID
Command validation for i‑effect® communication commands improved.
Removed HTTP/S trust list logic for succesfully authenticated clients
*FTP module: Validation for input / output parameters included in RCVFTP command.
New Mapper Function 'resetAllVariables'
Error with UPDATE/SQLWarning for invalid/erroneous HTTP requests
New parameter SFTPCLTKEY (Client Key) in SNDFTP and RCVFTP commands
Lock on table SESSION causes exception and leads to consumption of all Jdbc pool connections
*DBEXPORT CVTDBFXML and CVTDBFPDF commands create duplicate files
Use SSL Client Authentication automatically
Error "Double Primary" when writing index values in table VORADDINF
RCVFTP aborts when renaming
*SERVER module: %SQL_LOOKUP% Nested variable definitions and other improvements.
PRCFWD forwarding rule / process logging SQL queries improved
Server overwrites negotiated values with partner settings
*SERVER subsystem terminates after error message
Rule-based forwarding, PRCFWD command. Error writing in FORWARDLOG.
Error with daily new destination folder
Menu item 54, existing entries cannot be edited / displayed in environment with CCSID 65535
SNDEMAIL MSGTEXT(*NONE) Error message "JAV0006 Error occurred during mail processing"
Error in handling MDN with disposition 'warning' causes attachment file not to be removed
FTP module: SNDFTP command validation improved.
The XML module does not initialize at mapping start
Query of attributes in repeating elements returns wrong result
Version: 2.7.60    (2019-04-11)
Upgrade to BouncyCastle 1.58
*BASE command RPLSTRIFS performance improvement
New parameter to support TLS session resumption
Limit file size for Mapper internal log files and split 100MB each.
File 'preferences.xml' empty after error when loading the file.
Call display Data exchange reference too slow.
Update external libraries (Jdbc, Security, Logging etc)
SNDEMAIL Job gets failure when trying to send more than 45 attachments with long pathnames.
Files in /QSYS.LIB are not recognized correctly under certain circumstances.
CLOB columns not correctly recognized and processed
Spelling "/templates" folder and content/code errors in server templates
*SPOOL, *DBEXPORT modules - avoid leading spaces in file names.
Error in RCVEMAIL when mail header "Message-Id" has more than 255 characters
STREFREORG *ALL Error message SQL0104 (Token invalid)
Version: 2.7.59    (2019-02-19)
RCVEMAIL - New setting for handling attachments with umlauts/special characters in file name
RCVEMAIL - Receive and processing of mails based on defined sender address(es)
New i‑effect® API interface
ADDARCHIVE *ZIP performance improvement
WebControl: Message type now also visible in incoming and outgoing documents
WRKASCPRF dialog program, error message: "Error when adding/modifying an entry."
DB-Source: Error "ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended" when Mapping from Oracle DB
SNDFTP CONFFTPS parameter pata are passed incorrectly to CPP (command proccessing program).
*SERVER *IFS *SINGLE, *SCHEDULE error message in job log if no files found for processing.
NPE when reading a X12 or TRADACOMS source
RCFEMAIL unexpected answer *OK¦¦*END from socket.
Job hangs because end of file not recognized
Fix originator parameter in STROFTP2 command
Wrong archivefile in in/outbound document
Import with file CCSID although specified in mapping others
TAR format does not delete source file
Segment end *AUTO does not recognize changing end character
Version: 2.7.58    (2018-11-23)
Filter virtual file names
i‑effect® logging in IFS after upgrade
Deleting the archived files with the ARCFILE command.
Many SQL0104 error messages in QSQSRVR joblogs
Date format in %STATUS% server workflow eMail notification corrected.
*SERVER %IFSPATH% variable has no leading "/".
i‑effect® server subsystem, EFFSERVER job terminates due to errors in SBMJOB command
Old ORDERSHT, ORDERSPO example interface files are no longer delivered.
WebControl / WRKEFFLOG Logbook Performance Improvement
Error when searching for an issuer certificate blocks the following addresses
No connection from JDBC pool
"File in use" after inbound Tradacoms mapping
"File in use" after inbound X12 mapping
CPF33D7 Requested number of buffers not returned
Mapper writes "--0" instead of "0"
Error "SQLException" while running the task "generateKey" or "generateKeyFrom"
NullPointerException while creating EERP
CPExxxx und CPF9898 Diagnosemeldung missing in QSQSRVR Job
SQL0487, SQL0443 in QSQSRVR job of a WebControl user
Session ends with ERROR despite continueOnError
RUNMAP command hangs / servertask job therefore does not end
By using the RPLSTRIFS i‑effect® command, not all search pattern are replaced.
Prevent auto-import of same ssl certificate which already exists in keystore
i‑effect® journals are now created with the attribute DLTRCV(*NO).
PUBLIC permissions for webcontrol/data/toolkit folder
ADDARCFIL, EXTARCFIL commands, FRMCCSID, TOCCSID parameters are transferred incorrectly.commands, FRMCCSID, TOCCSID parameters are transferred incorrectly.
The default paths of i‑effect® stored in the file ./mapper/conf/config.xml are not considered during the reorganization.
Ignore database connections with error while starting subsystem
"File in use" after inbound Edifact mapping
Version: 2.7.57    (2018-09-13)
i‑effect® *DATABASE - VARCHAR fields not filled optimally
Keep JOBD settings at i‑effect® update/upgrade
Fixed SQL Update Task error message formatting
Using qshell STDOUT in i‑effect® programs
MODULE Parameters in ARCFILE command fixed
Sender checks hash value in acknowledgment
Improved error handling in EFFSERVER subsystem
FTP Server, new special values for keystore path
*SFTPSRV communication profile, new default for parameter "Create PEM key file"
Improved error message for SND processing (*AS2, *HTTP , *EMAIL) when no (=zero) correct profilenumber is assigned in partner entry
New location for i‑effect® templates
New network share HOME_IEFFECT
Enable TLS Version 1.1 and 1.2 support
Logbook messages are no longer filled with blanks
Module constants are not found
Error in binary file detection causes error when storing file to /QSYS.LIB
WebControll license check during Grace period is corrected.
Incorrect display in english versions of dialog programs WRKEDIABS, WRKEFFDOC, WRKEFFENR and WRKPRTVAR
Timestamp postfix in keystore alias is not interpreted correctly and according entry not found
In WebControl logbook escape message CPF9E72 is displayed during grace period.
Escape character in EDIFACT data missing after signature process
Only one thread was created if exists
Reload mapping metadata on susbystem start and mapping file change
EFFSERVICE Subsystem/Job does not start when no 32 Bit JDK 1.8 is installed
Error message CPF2102 occurs during Excel conversion.
Re-sending the same file is registered in the same process
RCVEMAIL with receive from IFS/eml file deletes parent folder after processing
*MONITOR Job release starts process delayed
Command RCVFTP with FTPS encounters error IllegalStateException
Error message when checking self-signed certificates
Cancel if a LDAP CRL address in the certificate cannot be accessed was corrected
Fixed error in save/restore of monitor configuration and tracked files
When saving CVTDBF* commands in the i‑effect® server processing a wrong default value is used in the TOSTMF parameter.
Version: 2.7.56    (2018-07-12)
Own job description for IEFFECT user profile
Version: 2.7.55    (2018-07-04)
Certificate is no longer sent with signed files and EERPs
Duplicate JARs removed from OFTP2 directory
New command OFTP2CRTX to send certificates over OFTP2
New setting for SSL/TLS Server protocol version in *AS2 and *HTTP module IFS property file
Improved error handling for loading *MONITOR configuration
Reduction of the log file when transferring large files
Long data transfers write regularly to the logbook
Using multiple certificates in the OFTP2 configuration
Mapping does not abort anymore if unused table(s) exist in mapping definition
Use of the Odette Trust Service Status List (TSL)
OFTP2 server used as a gateway
Check of Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
Automatic certificate exchange
Faster certificate validation
New storage location for mapper usertask_*.jar files.
Addition of table to the
Empty elements of a segment are not created
Reason in NERP read incorrectly
HTTPS connections only possible with TLS version 1.0
Mapper does not write all key-value pairs if an error occurs
NERP created with error
Greatly reduced number of CPF2103 error messages in QSQSRVR joblog
Default message for errors while receiving a file
Set SFIDCIPH to 00 if Cipher is not used.
The filename of FTP-extended log file now contains the current date
The user is warned if the parameter for the unused file system has been specified
Number of changed data records is not logged correctly
Clear error message if alias is not found in keystore
Improved error message if the SSL trust store is not set
Warning if profile parameter are set but not beeing used
Version: 2.7.54    (2018-05-28)
IFS storage CCSID on systems with EDI partner CCSID 65535
Downgrade Bouncycastle-Version to 1.55
New special value *OFTP2 for defining key or truststore path
Hexadecimal data bugfix: Help texts and application examples have been added to the RPLSTRIFS command
SNDFTP error message: "Can not retrieve CCSID"
SNDFTP error handling improvement
OFTP2 validation if Odette ID is already in use
Improved log for archiving the input file
Format detection locks DB2 file for own processing
Slow ADDARCHIVE processing in IASP
The installer tries to assign Java 8 64 bit, although only Java 8 32 bit is available in the system.
IASP name is not passed correctly to i‑effect® archive commands
Empty line at the end swallows mapping of FILE-END
Changed server key is now automatically accepted (known_hosts)
Error when STRGZIP should use the new output name
Improved error message for CRTARCHIVE if the archive exists in QDLS
File registration stops processing
When uninstalling i‑effect® with DLTLICPGM not all i‑effect® objects are removed.
Version: 2.7.53    (2018-04-12)
The size of the internal log file has been reduced
Large spool files are not packed and unpacked correctly
Certificate is not found when sending and SFID is not SSID
Version: 2.7.52    (2018-03-23)
New Mapper Task addLineBreak
Service subsystem cannot be started after installation with the option *Upgrade or *New
i‑effect® server variable %ARCFILE% returns wrong file name
STREFREORG does not process all *OFTP2 directories
Logbook message if processing of inline/attachment MIME part(s) encounters an error
RPLSTRIFS Processing terminates with error message RNX0100
After decryption of a AS2 message, processing fails with NullPointerException
RCVEMAIL: No logookmessage/error status for errors in parsing the inline/attachment part of a mail
*SFTP/*FTP/*FTPS When receiving multiple files, RCVFTP aborts after receiving the first file
HTML templates for i‑effect® Server Workflow incorrect
i‑effect® paths are overwritten in the MODCFG file with CPF2407 (message file not found)
Partner master data, menu item 50, communication data is not displayed under *GRACE License
Removed non used JOBQ IEFFECT from all JOBDs
Version: 2.7.51    (2018-03-02)
It is now possible to add new namespaces when creating an XML file
Found definitions are now logged
Register all temporary files in VORGANG
AS2 ID specific configuration for algorithm name notation (RFC3851/RFC5751) in headers of message/MDN
Filtering of communication profiles for the respective method
New check logic for certificate import
Logbook messages added to identify clearly the virtuell/physical filename
RSTSPLF command, no logbook logging.
Offline installation does not find software directory
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in parallel processing
Mappertask error "Cursor state not valid." while executing Task 'StartServerTask'
Receive unsigned, encrypted AS2 message saves empty file
Received files or EERPs are not processed in parallel.
Error during file identification stops further identification and mapping
Any changes to FTP user leads to loss of assignment to its FTP communication profil
Missing log book message JOB_FILEMANAGER_013
Error in *CRYPT partner master data transfer after upgrading to V2R7M0.0050
Automatic archive format detection in EXTARCHIVE aborts with invalid path
Connection aborted if there is no entry in the table DOKUMENT
i‑effect® coimamnd CPYEFFSTMF overwrite file change attribute
Failure processing trough RPLSTRIFS command
FTP/s created a connection too often
Server blocks partner connection after error
Reduced message severity from ERROR to DIAG for errors occured while archiving
DB2 file in *SYSBAS not found with IASP
*SERVER (*SPOOL/*DB2/*IFS) No logbook message if no files were selected for defined data selection
EFFUTIL Subsystem, ARCPDF command, error by retrying the state of autostart job
Using variables in default values caused errors
Sent file will be registered earlier when sent in a controlled mode
Access to i‑effect® tables no longer possible due an error in *OFTP2 EERP Thread
Version: 2.7.50    (2018-01-02)
SNDEMAIL with STARTTLS connection encounters error CertPathValidatorException
While mapping it is not possible to change the current partner if the recipient is different from the partner ID
Affects IASP systems only: error by allocation of *SYSBAS libraries
Storage in QSYS.LIB path - Definition of filename (.FILE) does not work
Wrong certificate on remote station does not terminate session
Version: 2.7.49    (2018-01-02)
Autom. detection of IASP if QSYS.LIB is defined for receive path text/attachment
Send from IASP does not find file
IFS archiv files were flagged with wrong CCSID.
CVTARCHIVE does not create archive in DB2
Segments in output file are created in wrong order
Version: 2.7.47    (2017-11-14)
Send single file notices EERP at different connection
FTP, OFTP and Telebox recipient partner profile not loaded
Subsystem Job(s) aborts while start with "java/sql/Connection.isValid(I)Z" error
Version: 2.7.46    (2017-10-23)
MRGFILEPDF function expansion
Installation clenup improvement.
Subsequent status change of sessions
i‑effect® ISO revised
Profiles - * Use NO as the default value for SSL
New page names
New command EXPDB2IFS for export of DB2 interface data.
i‑effect® SND* command - validity check for 'Recipient' and 'ProfilNr' parameters.
New export/import function for mappings and local db2
*IMAP protocol setting in *EMAIL programm moduls data (MODCFG) not working
Reason of SFNA is not displayed
SFTP does not create known_hosts
Wrong values in the index columns orgiginator and recipient when sending as2 mdn
Rejected files are send multiple times
Wrong default values in the time columns effsrvmain table.
*SERVER, *SPOOL/*MONITOR data selection, error by processing of user defined generic data.
Product restore from backup with RSTLICPGM failure
System task addFileProcessKeywordValue overwrites previous value
Servertask * SCHEDULE: Incorrect default value for "Wait in minutes"
Authorities for /i-effect and /i-effect/v2r7m0 IFS folders fixed.
Start parameters for train commands in the command parser
Duplicate filter values ​​in monitoring / partner
Big logfile in /i-effect/V2R7M0/internal/jhjjmmtt-crypt.log
i‑effect® spawns QGYSERVER Job with MCH3402/3601 error messages
Offline installation only selectable if started from offline media
Remove Easycom hint
Underscore character in SNDHTTP URL causes an error
New CSV directory samples in /mapper/csv/definitions
Missing value for number of entries
Content of /mapper/conf/task.ini revised.
File removed
Wrong content in /mapper/conf/alias.xml has ben corrected
Removed invalid entries in the "mapper/edifact/module_edifact.xml" file.
SQL error messages when a table is empty
Tables update for certificates and mappings
Selection of communication profiles in partner master data
Default value for AS2 identification (AS2-FROM)
Wrong content in /mapper/conf/index_configuration
Special values ​​for SMTP addresses
Default mapper archive / error directories are not recognized when reorganizing with the STREFREORG.
Signature detection with multiple encoding
Added help messages (ASSIGNPRT() in RCVEMAIL)
Rules based forwarding (PRCFWD) process register and loigging improvement.
Version: 2.7.45    (2017-07-27)
New directory for user-specific settings and libraries in /home/ieffect / (.userlib)
Standard keystore für *OFTP2
New i‑effect® environment variable
Zendserver version query in the i‑effect® installer
New task convertTimestamp
New module *ZUGFeRD
Send a file in a controlled manner
Standard keystops from CRYPT
Bugfixes for IASP installation
Protecle is not longer included
Format *ISO for timestamp
If *DEMO is expired, the status *DEMOEND is displayed
Mapper standard paths without version specification of i‑effect® installation
EERP's could not be sent completly when several files were received
CVTARCHIVE inaccurate error message for missing parameters
Datei on IASP can not be found
OFTP modul configuration greenscreen panel adapted
NullPointerException when using UNH release number less than 3
New license terms
Improved OFTP2 error reporting for non-existing profiles
The JAVA message ID is no longer in the logbook
Blocking job in the log
Profile ID Parameter Description incomprehensible
Incorrect error message when using CVTARCHIVE
Table PRTEDI has too long field lengths
DLTARCHIVE * ALL does not delete files from archive
Wrong error message with DLTARCHIVE
Incorrect parameter dependencies
Final paths in the file exchange protocol
Received path DEFAULT incorrect in partner master data
RUNMAP does not allow * als DEFAULT
E-Mail templates are incorrect
Name of the output and archiv file of a RUNMAP is not visible in the logbook
New server variable: %SQL_LOOKUP:sqlQuery% in *SERVER
Update to new BouncyCastle version 1.56
Sample mappings can now be found in /home/ieffect/mappings/sample
Only OFTP2 certificates in the OFTP2 certificate view
menten vertriebsleiter gmbh bjoern reimann
Björn Reimann Sales Manager, menten GmbH +49 2202 23990 [email protected]


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