Release Notes

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Version: 3.1.10    (2025-03-28)
STREFREORG aborts if job CCSID=1148
SIGNPDF, VERIFYPDF Parameter FRMPATH now mandatory
Missing IASP in the i‑effect® JOBDs EFF* at --mode repairdb
Execution of SIGNPDF and VERIFYPDF corrected
File parser writes one index too few
Version: 3.1.9    (2025-03-04)
New mappings for ZUGFeRD 2.3.2 available
Adaptation of the database tables for ZUGFeRD 2.3
Support for more than 10 FTP servers in the EFFFTP subsystem
Incorrect default for *FTPSRV field “IP in passive mode”
Incorrect session number in process tracking for PRCFWD or CPYEFFEDI
F4 for MAPID parameter in RUNMAP command does not show the loaded mappings
STREFREORG Correction for cases in which more than 1,000,000 data records are available in AKTION
Error fixed when ZIPs become larger than 4 GB
Version: 3.1.8    (2025-02-05)
ENDEFFSBS and STREFFSBS now start/end the *SERVER subsystem first/last
Internal Maintenance: DB2 function checkRegexExpression replaced by REGEXP_LIKE
New system requirement 5770SS1 Option 39
Customization of the validation of the XInvoice with regard to parallel processing
Correction of the incorrect web control link in the %STATUS% e-mail.
F4 display in i‑effect® commands does not work
Incorrect long text of message GZI0657. The sender name appears instead of the partner name
Fix too many quota checks on large files
Internal optimization for reading the source data with SNDFTP
STREFREORG improvements
Media files were tried to be indexed
CPE3025 No path or no library with this name. when calling SNDFILE with a single file
Error when considering alternative sender/recipient definitions in SNDFILE
Module configuration for encryption was not used
Version: 3.1.7    (2024-10-21)
Ready for IBM i 7.3
"forcenamespace" can be used again
New Service-API function: XInvoice visualisation
Removal of all database tables for ZUGFeRD 1.0
New parameter RESTART(*YES|*NO) for ENDEFFSBS
IEF9890 File not registered
CPF3C53 Job not found, the call to endSession() was terminated incorrectly.
Error with alternative FTPS fixed
Validation program not initiated for command call with qualified library name
Errors occurred when editing *MONITOR
Version: 3.1.5    (2024-08-16)
Bugfix: Use of thousands separator
Length of database field HTGBURID increased to 100
SQL0518 if a server task should move the input file with *MOVE following an SNDFTP session.
Bugfix: Error when writing the XInvoice check report
Adjustment of the value for ZF2INVHT.HTSPPID
Version: 3.1.4    (2024-07-12)
The field User-ID under Authentications has been increased to 100 characters
Host keys with the ECDSA and EDDSA algorithms are rejected
Error in SNDFILE "Result of the statement contains more than one line"
Message is closed too early by the mapper
HTTP server searches for send profile in partner profile
Server task *SCHEDULE is not executed
Version: 3.1.3    (2024-06-14)
Alternative FTPS protocol not used although Profile was set to '*YES'
Update the JSCH library for the SFTP client
Update the Mina SSHD library for the SFTP server
SFTP server - quota warning at 75%
FTP communication is displayed in WebControl
[FTP] does not delete the APP and DB libraries during an IASP installation
Call of ends with error
Bugfix: Correct indexes are found for sending ZUGFeRD PDFs with SNDFILE
Messages in the logbook despite deactivation of the detailed recording of activities
Creation of the class path fails during installation in IASP
Special characters in the file or path name (e.g. @) were not transferred correctly to a server task
Datamatrix barcodes missing in created PDF file
%STATUS% as special value for parameter MSGTEXT in SNDEMAIL does not work with workflow type *MSGID, *REGEX, *SQL
Version: 3.1.2    (2024-04-05)
Performance optimization in Webcontrol displays for input and output. Improved full text search
Duplicate records in the display of the communication input and communication output
New API call for writing logbook entries
Update of Apache Tomcat to 9.0.85
XRechnung: increase field HTZGPCID to 35 characters
API calls to i‑effect®service are always redirected to HTTPS
Files received via RCVFTP are lost
Sent files do not appear in the communication output
Correction of the positioning "Start of list at" in the "Work with partner master" display
Module recognition of TRADACOMS in the file parser does not work
No abort message for conversion without input data
XInvoice version 3.0.1 available
Preferred communication profile per sender
Improved monitor display performance
If many *SCHEDULE tasks are defined with 1min, jobs are not started
RetrieveFileTimeStamps() beim RCVFTP, Datei wird trotzdem auf dem Server gelöscht.a
Search field "Start of list at" in the "Work with profiles" display without function.
Trigger operation not successful when trying to move i‑effect® to IASP with
Message "Cursor FETCHS8 already open" when using PRCFWD
List too large for user address area (user space) IEFFJOBLOG
License error message for multiple calls of RCVFTP
%SQLLOOKUP:% incorrect for SQL statements > 80 bytes
Bug fixed where Java 32 bit and 64 bit were required
Import of certificate chains possible
Cryptic error messages appear in the logbook if two RCVFTP calls are made in succession
Version: 3.1.1    (2023-11-17)
New *AS4 module ( BDEW profile for the energy industry )
Performance improvement when ending sessions
Incorrect information in the partner overview
Conversion to HTTPS
New API call for creating a new session
Hiding the PHP version when calling curl -skiL.
With --mode repairdb exit points and JOBD/JOBQ/SBSD are not corrected
IEF9994, AddArcIndex() error, VORGANGID=0, AddRegisteredFileArchiveIndex()
SQL0811 in the logbook at STRSRVTSK Jobs
*JRNRCV Objects do not have to be saved as well
Library descriptions missing
Special value *JOB.PROCESSID for mappings x to DB returns -1
Incorrect rights to the .ssh directory after installation.
Faulty php.conf php.ini after upgrade from 2.x/3.x
Abort installation with /usr/bin/printenv: illegal option -- s
Aborting an upgrade installation when migrating SL_XLSCEL if feature 5051 is not installed
Port number is missing when establishing an alternative FTPS connection
Wrong JOBQ entries in subsystems after renaming the SYSBAS library
SNDEMAIL fails with "duplicate key value"
[EMAIL] --mode repairdb korrigiert keine Bibliotheksbeschreibungen
Cancellation of the installation when called up again after canceling
[BASE] --recreateexitpoints /tmp/2mebeff/scripts/ beendet mit Status 12
Version: 3.0.10    (2023-07-24)
New version XInvoice 2.3.1
Performance in the DB module improved
Complete replacement of the database connections
Function key F22 in the program "Work with server entries" does not work
Adaptation of the fileparser definitions
Incomplete error message
Adopting changed JOBQ configuration during update/upgrade
IEF9994 RetrieveFileTimeStamps() error: in MRGPDF
%SQL_LOOKUP:% in server with % variables
Adjustment of the XInvoice mapping for zero values
Error in negative MDN fixed
Incorrect display of umlauts with JOB CCSID 500
Version: 3.0.9    (2023-05-12)
Improved error message in case of duplicate and missing UNB
Updated AIX tools repository
Data transfer for module *SPOOLMAPS (5012) and *DB2MAPS (5051) incomplete
Redesign of the job constants
Missing logbook details after transfer from 2.7
Version: 3.0.8    (2023-04-24)
Recovery fails
Consideration of alternative senders/recipients in PRCFWD
Installation aborts when QCCSID=65535
*SERVICE subsystem locks generated XInvoice
Functionalities acted on the wrong KeyStore
KeyStore not transferred correctly
Upgrade installation fails
Version: 3.0.7    (2023-03-15)
Support for IBM i OS 7.5
Failures after deleting a certificate
No abort if the WebControl subsystem cannot be started.
Bugfix at key import with own password
SNDEMAIL via server always interprets MSGTEXT as path
Version: 3.0.6    (2023-02-07)
*FTP module: slow processing
*FTP module RCVFTP with partner: remove temporary working directories
Installation does not abort despite error
Error "SSL protocol must be set" if no profile specified
Timeout value is taken incorrect
Version: 3.0.4    (2022-12-16)
CPF37C2: No authorization to use DFRID.
Performance improvement at subsystem startup
Installation aborts. db2util not found
Bind i‑effect® session to SSH session instead of SFTP system in SFTP server
Password required for user IEFFECT
Version: 3.0.3    (2022-11-18)
Check system requirements for console installation
Abbruch bei Installation via Script
Fixed system requirements for DB2
IEF9997 - Can not retrieve unique sequence, SQLCOD=-518
Floating point numbers are not written
Version: 3.0.2    (2022-11-11)
Added OAUTH2 functionality for Outlook 365
New module *JSON is available for the mapper
CPA7025 during installation
CPF3840 when upgrading an IASP installation
i‑effect® WebControl link does not adjust during update/upgrade
CPF3204 during update or upgrade
Additional entry lost due to unreadable alias in the keystore
Webcontrol not accessible after upgrade to 3.0.x
Version: 3.0.1    (2022-10-12)
Installation aborts when started manually with relative pathname.
Secondary language 2929 of i‑effect® is lost when upgrading from 2.7 to 3.0
Missing data transfer of the mapper configuration during UPGRADE installation
Keystore name and password missing after upgrade from 2.7
Version: 3.0.0    (2022-09-21)
Standard job queue entry in EFFSERVER with MAXACT(1)
IEF9892 at *NEW installation
Outdated report templates removed
Login attempts for SFTP server reduced
Extension of the database field TITAXFTC from the ZUGFeRD table ZF2INVTI
New version XInvoice and ZUGFeRD 2.2.0
Default permissions for FTP users
HTGBYREF for route ID adjusted and decimal places of ACTACBA shortened
Blocking the creation of links and most attribute changes to files
SSL version configurable / TLS 1.3 support
Library SFTP server updated
Disable client renegotiation for servers using TLS
Bruteforce protection SFTP and FTP Server
Field description of HTSTATE from ZF2INVHT was adjusted
Configure SFTP Hostkeys
Warning message when 75% quota is reached
Faulty MDN processing
Memory leak during receiving fixed
Server processing, resolution EDI server variables incorrect.
Users with quota > 2 GB can no longer be used
*NEW installation aborts on creation of procedure ieffect_registerFileBase
FTP client timeouts defined
Error "Wrong secondary language option NONE in parameter --secondary_language" on upgrade 2.8->3.0
Anonymous could not be limited to *NOMAX
Version: 2.9.17    (2022-06-20)
New email templates for workflow notification
Disable file indexing for large files
Upgrade fails with "CPF2167: Cannot delete library IEFF28024 in library list."
Fixed possible error when navigating back from the system check
Missing index values in the filter
Writing line breaks in XML
Fixed mapper error message
Installation aborts with "mktemp: command not found"
Version: 2.9.16    (2022-04-14)
Acceptance of SSL certificates during installation
Adopt customer-specific SSL configuration during update
Receiving asynchronous MDN without associated send session receives *DIAG status.
Fix: SQL for partner change
Special variable JOB.PROCESSID returns wrong ID
Fix: File rename after SFTP transfer
Fix: Mapper task replaceAll
All S-END mappings from the service directory no longer lead to termination
Version: 2.9.15    (2022-03-07)
Update of the XInvoice Validator
Login to FTP server improved
Duplicate entries in the document input/output
WebControl performance improvement
Update english translation
Version: 2.9.14    (2022-01-31)
Error notification via Sever *ERROR workflow is improved.
Upgrade from 2.7 to 2.9 fails during backup
Configuration data is not taken over when upgrading from 2.8
*MONITOR data selection setting *OMIT does not work
STROFTP2 returns OK although session is set to ERROR when testing connection without file
Version: 2.9.13    (2021-12-08)
Improvement in restoring i‑effect®
Aborting the upgrade installation with two languages
Version: 2.9.12    (2021-12-02)
QSH Prompt when using i‑effect® commands in an interactive session.
Refactoring SQL functions and SQL procedures to improve performance
Length for specification of parameter DBUSER/password in command RUNREPORT extended
Support more CCSIDs like 5348 in FileParser
Version: 2.9.11    (2021-11-12)
New Service API function for setting the archive status
Target file wrong permission
SNDFILE FTP error handling fixed, EDI file handling improved.
Task 'jdbcSqlUpdate' aborts with error message "SQL Server supports the holdability property only at connection level. Use the connection.setHoldability() method."
Fix english error message EDI0104
WebControl does not work after upgrade
Version: 2.9.10    (2021-10-05)
Improved performance of document input and output view
SNDFILE RECIPIENT(*FRMFILE) usable for all document types that are indexed
Start previous web control automatically after rollback of installation
ZUGFeRD and XRechnung files in the same process
FileParser performance improved in *SERVER
SNDFILE FTP destination path can now be defined in the partner master data
Set message ID for SYSOPR messages
SQL optimization when inserting records into VORADDINDEX
Changes to PUB files are not recognised
Many messages in QSYSOPR MSGQ "Grace period expired. The requesting user was not added."
Improve table loading for Mapper *AUTO
New communication possibilities integrated for PRCFWD.
SNDFILE new communication capabilities integrated.
SITZUNG or AKTION of the type *FILE not found in IEFFECT
UNB counter reset after restart
EFFSERVER job aborts with CEE0813 error message: "Not enough memory available to fulfill request".
PRCFWD Destination *IFS path is not used. File ends up in '/'
Version: 2.9.6    (2021-08-03)
Processing for receiving and assigning asynchronous MDNs changed
PRCFWD Performance Optimization
Wrong keys in VORADDINDEX
EFFSERVER aborts with CEE0813 in function getSysEnvVariableValue
Error when the quotient is a periodic number
PRCFWD does not find rules
Bugfix of the mappertask removeAll
Performance with multiple calls to CVTSPL...
Directories /home/qsecofr/error|archiv|output in wrong directory
Error with blocked files when several Monitors monitor the same folder
Error while copying the files
FileParser call in IFS Monitor occurs after report of monitored file and can lead to error if file was already removed by processing.
Version: 2.9.5    (2021-07-02)
Upgrade installation aborts with: Duplicate key value
Wrong owner of /home after installing an update
Mapper does not recognise file change
[BASE] HEAP Space defaults in parameter -Xmx were not taken into account
Update fails if an old Webcontrol update folder exists
Error when displaying partner logbook in WebControl
List of forwarding destinations contains too many spaces
SQL error in task "getProcessId" because table VORADDINF is searched in wrong library.
Installation aborts if SystemReplylist entry 4711 exists
Version: 2.9.4    (2021-06-23)
Server response always as INFO in the logbook
New task: addFileIndex
Length change of database field for free text qualifier
Backup hangs when upgrading from 2.7 to 2.9
Exit points still present after uninstalling i‑effect®
*REPORT subsystem does not start
Version: 2.9.3    (2021-06-09)
Use multiple SFTP hostkeys
Error 'setccsid: command not found' when using
STRJRNPF reports 'File already recorded' when moving to IASP with Error 'setccsid: command not found' when using
When installing i‑effect® 2.9 under IBM i 7.2, the installation aborts *** Error in /tmp/2mebeff/scripts/
Missing JAR files on the classpath
Mapper moves input file before indexing
Version: 2.9.2    (2021-05-28)
JOBQ library and SBSD settings not changed when moving SYSBAS library
Wrong directory /home/i-effect/WEBCTRL/htdocs/data/command
Subsystems don't start in an IASP installation
NullPointerException fixed when indexing
[BASE] External program IEFSRV not found in IEFFECT29.
Erroneous environment variable IEFFECT_V2R9M0_IFSPATH and IEFFECT_V2R9M0_USER_HOME
[BASE] mkdir: kann Verzeichnis '/home/ieffect' nicht erstellen: Datei existiert
Version: 2.9.1    (2021-05-19)
New runtime priority for i‑effect® subsystemjobs
New table for index values from file
Renamed configuration file for internal logging
Indexing files via a monitor
i‑effect® web interface immediately available after installation
Log file for CPYIFS2SPL
New feature in WRKEFFLOG dialog: *HIDE / *DISPLAY *IDLE sessions.
New COMMAND: option in RPLSTRIFS command
Chrome reports for WebControl: "This is not a secure connection".
Faster lock query in installer
Several validator versions can now be used for the XInvoice
Message at system operator if subsystem startup fails
Update liquibase database manager to 4.3.4
Server marks idle session
Automatic creation of the output folder structure for ZUGFeRD mappings
Provide certificate for WebControl HTTPS in installation
Automatic search for index values in registered files
Configuration file 'indexconfiguration.xml' removed from module directories
Default CCSID for received files
Bugfix: Notification for expiring certificates in IFS Keystore
Abort e-mail receive if file attachment name is UTF-8 encoded
Server *SCHEDULE RNX0112 Date, time or timestamp value is invalid.
Bugfix: Renaming certificates in p7b format
Error message when extracting and *PUBLIC permission
SNDFILE Partner determination at ZugFerd corrected for GLN or INTERNAL
Server: improved file registration when using the *MOVE option
Error in tasks toPositive and toNegative with numbers around 0
Bugfix: Jobs not ending after XInvoice validation
SFTP Hostkey is no longer saved as PEM
Improved Performance when starting subsystems
Task 'getDecimal' returns 0 instead of running on error for when string argument is empty
Error when saving in QSYS.LIB if the IASP name and the corresponding DB2 catalog name are different
menten vertriebsleiter gmbh bjoern reimann
Björn Reimann Sales Manager, menten GmbH +49 2202 23990 [email protected]


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